Copyright SSME                                                        Site updated 17/10/2024                                                        Web Master NAM

Contact Us

If you have a query, please email us at,

We are not able to reply on an Open Day, as we do not have Internet at Mill Lane. We will reply ASAP.                   During the summer this may take a while, due to members holidays.  

Lost and found Property

If you have lost or left something at our railway, ideally please contact us via our website.

As our railway site covers around 8 acres, over the days following our open days we often find items which are quite valuable to their owners (frequently shoes, trainers, keys and even buggies!) They don’t always turn up on the day, it may be sometime after- maybe the item has fallen into a pit or through a grill.

If we find items we would like to be able to reunite them with their owners.